Is sugar so harmful?

Ist Zucker so schädlich?

Sugar is a crystalline food that is obtained from plants.

Sugar consists mainly of sucrose. Sugar is obtained from sugar cane or sugar beet.

In 2018, approximately 275 million tons of sugar beet and approximately 1.907 billion tons of sugar cane were produced worldwide. The resulting amount of raw sugar was approximately 176 billion tons.

The average sugar consumption per capita in Germany in 2021 was around 32.5 kg.

This means that the daily amount for one person corresponds to approximately 89 grams.

Diseases of civilization such as obesity, diabetes, tooth decay or heart and vascular diseases are considered to be causes of excessive sugar consumption.

If too much sugar is consumed when the liver and kidney stores are already full, the excess sugar is converted into fat. This fat is then deposited in the blood and organs.

Increased consumption can lead to chronically elevated blood sugar levels. This results in increased insulin levels. Diabetes mellitus, type 1 or 2, are the diseases that can result from this. Cravings, sleep problems, eye diseases or non-healing wounds can then be the effects of the disease.

Excessive sugar consumption can also cause depression. Studies show that regular, high sugar consumption in humans can also increase the risk of mental disorders such as depression in the long term.

There are many signs of too much sugar. Symptoms of too much sugar consumption range from skin blemishes (such as acne) to tiredness and unbearable headaches.

The excess of sugar can also have a harmful effect on the intestines by changing the composition of the intestinal flora. The intestinal mucosa becomes thinner and an environment is created in the intestines in which unhealthy bacteria can multiply. The body becomes more susceptible to infections and the immune system is weakened.

By weakening the immune system, pathogens can be fought poorly or not at all. It has also been proven that sugar robs the body of vitamin C, which protects the white blood cells in the body against viruses and bacteria.

Sugar acts like a drug on our brain, which is why it is so difficult to give up sugar. At the same time, sugar also affects the happiness hormones that are mistakenly produced when you consume sugar.

Excessive sugar consumption leads to poor physical and mental performance in humans. Our muscles cannot cope with the excess sugar. On the contrary, sugar is only food for belly fat and not for a six-pack.

Giving up sugar could be the start of many positive effects. A low-sugar diet keeps your blood sugar level more constant and you feel fitter. Annoying hunger pangs can disappear and you feel more alert and energetic. Another positive aspect of lower sugar consumption is better sleep quality. You are able to fall asleep better and sleep through the night better.

A low-sugar diet also has an impact on taste. The taste buds regenerate and become more sensitive. They wean themselves off the unnatural sweetness, so that you no longer need to add as much sweetener.

The skin becomes clearer and is no longer as susceptible to inflammation. The skin relaxes and the complexion improves.

All in all, you can say that a low-sugar diet only has advantages and that is why we at #wegain completely avoid sugar in our drinks.

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